

Stanley Specialty Pharmacy originates from the old Stanley Drugs corner drugstore in the Elizabeth neighborhood and has long been a staple of the Charlotte community. Whether needing a prescription filled or a milkshake from the pharmacy’s soda fountain, many Charlotteans have fond memories of this Charlotte landmark. In the early 1980s, then owner Cliff Hemingway-RPh, began to offer compounding services in addition to traditional commercial retail medications. Then in the late 1990s, Mr. Hemingway sold his retail pharmacy business and began Stanley Specialty Pharmacy – Charlotte’s state-of-the-art compounding-only pharmacy.

Today, Stanley Specialty Pharmacy services not only the Greater Charlotte area, but also the majority of North Carolina, South Carolina & Texas.


Stanley Specialty Pharmacy is committed to improving the quality of our patients’ lives through innovative customized pharmaceutical solutions and superior customer service. We offer specialized medications and products, including: 

  • CBD oil for men, women, and pets that you can purchase in multiple forms, including droplets, lotions, salves, and bath bombs.
  • Sexual health and wellness products for men, including injection devices, libido supplements, and more. We also offer programs for men, including our Penile Rehabilitation Protocol.
  • Women’s sexual health and wellness products and medications, including low dose naltrexone, saliva hormone testing, and hormone replacement therapy.
  • Veterinary compounding solutions, such as exotic animal compounding and small animal compounding.